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Product Description:
Shaking table is used as gravity separation equipment for selecting fine materials like tin, tungsten, gold and silver, lead, zinc, titanium, niobium, iron, manganese, ilmenite and coal, etc.

1. The shaking table consists of machine head, motor, adjustable slope structure, bed surface, feeding chute, water tank, bed strip and lubrication system.
2. The mineral processing is carried out according to the specific gravity difference of different ore particles.
3. With differential motion provided by the machine head, inclined water-flow and various bed strip impact, ore particles layer loosely and form fan-shaped zone, and then different products are sorted out.
Shaking table is used as gravity separation equipment for selecting fine materials like tin, tungsten, gold and silver, lead, zinc, titanium, niobium, iron, manganese, ilmenite and coal, etc.

1. The shaking table consists of machine head, motor, adjustable slope structure, bed surface, feeding chute, water tank, bed strip and lubrication system.
2. The mineral processing is carried out according to the specific gravity difference of different ore particles.
3. With differential motion provided by the machine head, inclined water-flow and various bed strip impact, ore particles layer loosely and form fan-shaped zone, and then different products are sorted out.