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Product Description:
Pulp thickener is widely used for dehydration of the fine ore and gangue in beneficiation process in metallurgy, chemical industry, coal, non-metal beneficiation, and environmental-protection sectors and etc. It is a new-type dehydration equipment combined with the characteristics of pulp filter instead of a simple precipitation equipment.
1. Add flocculant settlement increased the size of solid particles, thus accelerating the velocity.
2. Shorten the installation tilt plate mineral particles from the settlement to increase the settlement area.
3. Play a layer of thick mud deposition flocculation, filtration, compression and to handle the volume.
4. Equipped with a complete-controlled facilities.
Pulp thickener is widely used for dehydration of the fine ore and gangue in beneficiation process in metallurgy, chemical industry, coal, non-metal beneficiation, and environmental-protection sectors and etc. It is a new-type dehydration equipment combined with the characteristics of pulp filter instead of a simple precipitation equipment.

1. Add flocculant settlement increased the size of solid particles, thus accelerating the velocity.
2. Shorten the installation tilt plate mineral particles from the settlement to increase the settlement area.
3. Play a layer of thick mud deposition flocculation, filtration, compression and to handle the volume.
4. Equipped with a complete-controlled facilities.