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Tin ore beneficiation flow chart
Date:2014-07-19 08:21 From:Bailing Machinery Author:admin

1) .Generally speaking, It is based on its own characteristics to select the tin mine equipment, gravity separation of tin ore beneficiation and production line equipment of mineral beneficiation.As we know that the cassiterite is always denser than symbiotic ones, so gravity separation can apply to the traditional process of tin ore beneficiation. Over time, the selected ore became increasingly thin, which appeared in cassiterite flotation process already. In addition, cause the tin minerals consists of a variety of iron oxide minerals,such as magnetite, hematite and limonite, etc. As these minerals can not be well separated from the cassiterite just by flotation and gravity separation, so in recent years the emergence of magnetic operating ore mineralogy showed symbiotic tin-copper sulfide, cassiterite and brass mineral were patchy disseminated in different grain sizes , and with pyrite, pyrrhotite, iron oxide and gangue minerals are closely related, as difficult ores. 2) .Actually,we analyzed the factors affecting mineral production in recent years, and technical indicators showed a downward trend.we can find the existing problems in the production process. By contrasting a small trial,in appropriate fine grinding of ore, -0.074mm can be up between 60% -65%, with a flotation - gravity separation and gravity separation of crude tin reverse flotation concentrate sulfur removal process.
1).Also the Processing Engineer’s results showed that this kind of ore processing using the above gravity separation - flotation and the sulfur removal in crude tin concentrate reverse flotation process, economic and technical indicators improved significantly, which, crude tin concentrates recovery increased by 54 percentages; copper recovery increased 7.82 percentages; in addition to sulfur, crude tin concentrate recovery rate can increase 2.44 percentages;tin concentrate grade can reach 49.04%; about 1.31% sulfur content in concentrate; and the recovery rate of crude tin concentrates overall increased by 1.96 percentages. Henan Bailing Machinery Co., Ltd is specialized in manufacturing equipment for ore beneficiation. We are able to provide products for various ore beneficiation lines such as gold ore, copper ore, iron ore and manganese ore, etc. Our senior engineers are ready to offer the most suitable ore beneficiation solution for your production. Moreover, equipment installation and debugging, and training for technicians are provided free of charge. We are striving to satisfy your needs in every way. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested. Tel: 86-0371-67996061 The above workflow is just for reference. The practical workflow should be designed according to the ore varieties and the chemical elements` contents relevant.
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