Effect of drying temperature on drying machine’s capacity
Date:2014-10-27 15:58 From:Bailing Machinery Author:admin
The hot air temperature also called drying medium temperature, is the most sensitive condition of dryer in drying process.The higher hot air temperature is,the lower relative humidity and hot air is,thus having the stronger ability to absorb moisture,carry water,and conducive to drying with high drying thermal efficiency.

In many drying equipment such as rotary drum dryer,mining dryer,when the other conditions are the same, the dehydration ability of drying machine is proportional to the hot air temperature change.
In the selection of drying equipment,you should have sufficient data about the limit temperature to damage materials.Under the circumstances of materials can afford,try to choose the high temperature medium.Pay Special attention to many kinds of drying methods, especially the rapid drying,dried materials temperature is much lower than the medium temperature.For example,air temperature of air flow drying machine is up to 250 degrees,while the discharge temperature is generally below 60 degrees.

In many drying equipment such as rotary drum dryer,mining dryer,when the other conditions are the same, the dehydration ability of drying machine is proportional to the hot air temperature change.
In the selection of drying equipment,you should have sufficient data about the limit temperature to damage materials.Under the circumstances of materials can afford,try to choose the high temperature medium.Pay Special attention to many kinds of drying methods, especially the rapid drying,dried materials temperature is much lower than the medium temperature.For example,air temperature of air flow drying machine is up to 250 degrees,while the discharge temperature is generally below 60 degrees.